and then one day,he entered a martial arts competition and well,won a bronze medal.and as you can guess,that made him brag a little way more.oh yeah,i almost forgot!he's not a fluent english speaker,but well,he write poems,songs,yada yada yada in english as though he's an expert.and also,he's an attention-whore.
so one fine day,he wrote a status that is pretty general.then a girl comes along and commented on that particular status,thinking that this guy could take a joke and would understand simple english.but,oh well,he couldn't understand those simple words and ends up offended.and replied in a rude manner.
at the end of the day,the girl,not wanting to fight a person of lower level than her,ended the conversation by congratulating him on his "big" win in the martial arts competition.
she kept in mind that when you fight fire with fire,you'll resolve to burning what do you do?kill them with kindness.
and the ending,can you guess?that's right!she lives happily ever after. :)
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