"the past can hurt,but the way i see it,you either run from it or learn from it."

Thursday, July 9, 2009

close minded!

actually this happened yesterday,we were at some newly opened restaurant in search of the so-called-delicious kuey teow(yeah rite) but didn't find it,so we ended up eating at another stall.
we were eating(me,mama,petak) when suddenly the 8pm news starts...first headline:"PPSMI kembali BM" i was like..."what the h***?!"

i mean honestly,this is so damn stupid!whoever made this decision might as well kill himself!honest!this is like killing our own generation!
i mean c'mon!english in sc and math were started back in the year 2003,and i have yet to see any negative outcome from it,why are they reverting it to BM all of a sudden?
don't get me wrong.i'm not anti-Malay or something...i'm a malay and i'm proud to be one(i'd be prouder if malays would accept challenges)...but i believe,these kinds of things are the reasons why most succesful Malays are embarrased to admit themselves to be ANAK MELAYU.malays are afraid to accept challenges!

doesn't mean when you speak in english,you're admitting yourself as a western-er,stop being close minded people!it just shows that we're standing up to the challenges ahead of us.by doing math and sc in bm,i believe that all we're doing is learn for exams and not for life.do you really think with knowing only one language you'd be able to go far?dream on...

even if you say by scoring all those papers you'd be able to go far,think of it,what about going overseas?speak in malay when you're in London?do that and you'll be their laughing stock!alright,look at it this way,most chinese masters two languages,chinese and malay,indians,tamil and malay,how about us malays?just Bahasa Malaysia?i'm not proud to be saying,"saya anak melayu.saya skor 11a1 dlm SPM.tp saya hanya tahu ckp Bahasa Malaysia" what the hell is there to be proud of?

wake up!towards one malaysia,does that means just one language?a language that is only mastered in not even a quarter part of the world?is that just how far we'd go?is that the vision Malaysians are gonna be carrying towards 2020?if that's the case,i'd have to think back a million times before using the phrase "i'm proud to be a Malaysian".

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