"the past can hurt,but the way i see it,you either run from it or learn from it."

Friday, April 16, 2010

if i can dream

here i go again,talking real long,writing lengthy sentences that doesn't really concerns anyone or anything.in other words,this is one of those things i like to call craps that matters.so kindly skip it if you want to.

i have huge dreams,that practically are massively huge than the effort that i'm gonna give,so to root,i don't even plan of giving much.cheer me,i'm that kind of a loser.

so failing to plan,are planning to fail,huh?so what do you say about great planners but bad starters?duhh,that's me!(not the great planner,just the bad starter bit.)i tend to plan,and the plan is,if i may say,as effective as the plan of Operation Z(that's the attacking of the Pearl Harbor by the japanese,fyi).but as to kick off,i'm as bad a player as Tiger Woods is in soccer.so what role does the plan plays now?

as to start,i don't even know what i'm interested in.i'm interested in stuff,but then i don't like learning it.as in i'll learn it only when i want to.take music for example.i can play what,like 4 different instruments?(pardon the brag part,didn't mean to.)but where do i actually learn it?on my own of course.i simply can't learn anything in a formal education form.minus the fact that i had basic music knowledge from the experience of attending piano lessons for like what?2 years.i think.

so pretty much,now i know what i want to do.but i think it's gonna be a hell of a tough thing to actually do.or learn as a matter of following the context of what i'm writing on now.so i guess that will have to wait.i'll do what i think and others think i should do.

"dreams are ambitions you left hanging without effort"

thank you.good night. :(

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